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Mar 15, 2017
Chronic Pain from Hip Bone Bruises                         

Bruises happen to everyone. Bruising usually shows on the skin with dark purple markings. Small bruises are common for athletes or anytime a person accidentally trips, falls or runs into [...]

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Feb 9, 2017
Celebrating National Donor Day 2017                       

Each year, America celebrates February 14 as Valentine’s Day. This fun holiday is full of love, but February 14 is also National Donor Day for the United States. For donor day, America [...]

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Jan 17, 2017
What to Do if your Hip Pops Out of Place                   

The body is meant to handle normal wear and tear injuries. Small bruises or sprains are common for everyone, especially athletes. However, once people get into their retirement age, the [...]

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Jan 2, 2017
Hip Failure Triggers Painful Knees                         

Hips and knees are both major joints in the body. The hips carry much of the body’s weight while the knees are put under pressure with every step. These joints [...]

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Dec 12, 2016
Why do my hips hurt?                                       

Walking, standing, sitting and other small physical tasks put stress on the hip joints. Since the hips are the largest joints in the human body, there is cushioning and support [...]

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Nov 27, 2016
How to Stretch the Hip Joints                             

Stretching is a form of exercise and physical therapy that can save the body from chronic joint pain. Joints like the shoulders, elbows, and knees may tighten so stretching is [...]

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