While stress is commonly believed to be the cause of a wide range of mental health conditions, it also takes a toll on a person’s physical health.
Over the years, the correlation between stress and gynecological health has become more evident and gradually cemented. Prolonged stress not only exacerbates common heart conditions, but also negatively affects female reproductive health and wellness.
Find out more about how stress affects gynecological health.
Fertility Complications
According to research, chronic stress increases the levels of alpha-amylase in the body, which makes it more difficult for women to get pregnant. In fact, the study indicates that women with high levels of this enzyme had a 12% lower chance of conceiving.
Women who are undergoing IVF treatments and experience persistent stress are also more likely to have complications.

Both acute and chronic stress affect the body’s hormone balance. This, in turn, disrupts the menstrual cycle, which may become irregular or temporarily stop. In addition, premenstrual symptoms may worsen.
Research further indicates that women who work stressful jobs are 50% more likely to experience abnormally short menstrual cycles.
Vaginal Infections
Stress disrupts the delicate pH balance of the body, thereby increasing the risk of vaginal infections like yeast infection, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis, among others.
The symptoms for these conditions may be more painful and require immediate medical intervention.
Reduced Sexual Desire
Prolonged stress can gradually reduce sex drive by lowering libido. Greater levels of cortisol negatively affect the body’s natural sex hormones, resulting in a weak sexual response.
In addition, high levels of stress can also alter blood flow and cause vaginal dryness, which reduces satisfaction.
Over time, stress may develop into serious mental health conditions, like anxiety or depression. These psychological disorders can reduce sex drive in the long run.
Menopausal women experience rapid hormone fluctuation, which can worsen if they also feel stressed. These changes can trigger mood swings, anxiety, restlessness, and fatigue.
When combined with stress, menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, chills, slowed metabolism, and night sweats can be extremely difficult to cope with.
Expert Gynecological Care At Houston Physicians’ Hospital
Our gynecologist specialists know how to diagnose and treat a wide range of gynecological conditions, including infertility, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic pain, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and uterine fibroids, among many others.
If you’re finding life a bit stressful now and you feel that it’s affecting your health, you can find a doctor who’s right for you to receive expert gynecological care in Houston, Galveston, Webster, League City, and Clear Lake. Simply select your doctor at the bottom of the webpage and make an appointment directly with his or her office.
Houston Physicians’ Hospital is where hundreds of doctors call home. From top gynecologists to some of the best spine surgeons in Houston at our Spine and Neurosurgery Center, make Houston Physicians’ Hospital your choice for care in Southeast Houston.