Texas resident working from home during the pandemic

How to Stay Active and Feel Your Best During the Lockdown

While the ongoing lockdown officially came to a close in Texas on 1st May, Gov. Greg Abbott recently encouraged residents to stay at home in light of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases. As the pandemic continues to abate and intensify sporadically, people are, for the most part,  practicing social distancing and avoiding leaving their homes unnecessarily.

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ENT Doctor

ENT Doctor – Approved Spring Allergy Tips

While blooming flowers and green, leafy trees may be beautiful, the resulting pollen can quickly lead you to seek the help of an ENT doctor. In fact, studies show there is a strong correlation between high pollen count, during mid-spring, the sale of OTC allergy medications, and the number of visits to the asthma emergency department [1]. At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we know that seasonal allergies are a common and frustrating problem, especially when symptoms become severe. We’ve listed some helpful tips that may increase the efficacy of your doctor provided treatment plan:

  • Utilize OTC Allergy Medicine

Depending on a patient’s individual situation, prescription treatment may not be recommended by an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT doctor) to help alleviate allergy symptoms. However, there are a number of over-the-counter (OTC) medications that can provide quick and effective relief from seasonal allergies. These antihistamines work by blocking your body’s response to an allergic trigger. OTC nasal sprays are also used to assuage allergy symptoms, but they may take more time to alleviate symptoms than an allergy pill.

  • Add Vitamin C to Your Diet

For an at-home remedy to alleviate allergy symptoms, adding a vitamin C supplement to the diet may help. A study was conducted to evaluate the role of vitamin C in the treatment of spring allergies.  According to the results, high-dose vitamin C reduces allergy symptoms, even when no other allergy medication is used [2]. This vitamin works by reducing the quantity of histamine in the blood, which is responsible for the unpleasant symptoms that accompany allergies. Patients can add more vitamin C by consuming more citrus fruits and cruciferous vegetables.

  • Limit Your Exposure to Allergens

On days where the amount of certain pollen you are allergic to is high, stay indoors as much as possible. This helps to limit your exposure to the allergen, so that allergy symptoms can be alleviated. This is also important because, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, constant and repetitive exposure to allergens may produce long-term changes in the structure of the affected organ and eventually may be responsible for loss of function [4].

While seasonal allergies may be common, they can be a serious problem if symptoms become severe. At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we proudly provide the leading ENT doctors in Webster, Texas, to help patients find relief from seasonal allergies and other ear, nose, and throat issues. Call us at (281) 557-5620 or visit us at https://www.houstonphysicianshospital.com/contact-us/ to schedule an appointment.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4549916/

[2] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0300060518777044

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573758/

The Top Orthopedic Tips for Healthy Bones

Every year, 1.5 million individuals suffer a fracture due to bone disease [1]. Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest problems associated with bone disease, and it often becomes a chronic burden on residents in the Clear Lake, Texas, area. At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we know that bone diseases can seriously limit the ability of a patient to stick to their daily routine, so we’ve laid out a few tips to help improve the health of your bones:


  • Practice Healthy Nutritional Habits

Healthy nutritional habits should be encouraged in order to maintain bone health [2]. Nutrients essential for bone health that patients should add to their diet include vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Without all these nutrients, bones can become brittle, weak, and vulnerable to diseases.

If a patient’s diet lacks calcium, the body begins removing it from bones in a process called bone resorption. This, in turn, drastically weakens the bones. In fact, low calcium levels correlate with increased risk of hip fracture [3].

Similarly, vitamin D is important to absorb the calcium from your diet. Foods that can be added to improve bone health include:

  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Salmon
  • Almonds
  • Green, leafy vegetables

If you are unable to maintain an adequate supply of these nutrients through your diet, it is good to consult a Clear Lake orthopedic doctor for additional supplements that can protect your bones.


  • Exercise Regularly

Modest exercise is vital for those wanting to keep their bones healthy. Just 20 minutes of modest-impact activity and resistance training three times per week can improve bone mineral density [4].

Exercises that work your bones and muscles against gravity, also called “weight-bearing exercises,” stimulate the cells that are responsible for forming bone and increasing bone strength. A regular exercise routine can greatly reduce the risk of falls and fall-related fractures by improving body’s balance, coordination, and muscle tone [5].


  • Change Certain Lifestyle Factors

While you cannot control every lifestyle factor, there are some that you can change to improve the health of your bones. A good place to start is by examining your posture. Do you slouch or sit up straight? Proper posture distributes your weight evenly, keeping your back straight and pulling the shoulders back.

Additionally, you should check your mattress. Is it lumpy and uncomfortable? Choosing a proper mattress that complements the natural curvature of your spine helps keep your bones supported, thus keeping them in better shape.

Finally, one of the most important lifestyle factors you can change for your bone health is to stop smoking. This is especially important because smoking results in a reduction in bone mass, and nicotine tends to cause inflammation of chondrocytes (cells of cartilage) [6]. To avoid the negative effects of smoking on your bones, it’s best to kick the habit.

Our bone health is determined by hormonal, genetic, and nutritional factors. While not much can be done when it comes to genes, you can certainly zero-in on the modifiable factors to help keep your bones healthy. For the leading orthopedic doctors in the Clear Lake, Texas, area, give Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at (281) 557-5620 or visit us at https://www.houstonphysicianshospital.com/orthopedics/.







[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK45515/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3330619/

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18065599

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14758410

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19421702/

[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30746895

Why Choose Physical Therapy? 4 Reasons Patients Should See a Physical Therapist

Those in the Clear Lake, Texas, area know the effects that chronic pain or just general wear and tear can have on the body. In many cases, physical therapy is used as a treatment for patients that wish to reduce pain and increase their mobility. At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we know that physical therapy can be an excellent treatment method for many patients, so we’ve laid out some signs that can help you determine if it’s time for physical therapy from a Clear Lake specialist:


  1. Medication has not Worked

Prescription medication designed to reduce pain may be one of the first courses of action your physician recommends. However, medication does not work in every situation. If medication is not working, it may be time for physical therapy. In fact, physical therapy may be the first recommended treatment option for some cases, as there may be patients who are averse to or unable to take pain medication. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association showed that 59.5% of participants refused pain medication due to concerns about side effects and negative reactions (1). If medication has not worked, or you would rather not take a prescription medicine, your physician may recommend physical therapy.


  1. Pain Lingers After Activity

In some cases, it’s normal to experience slight lingering pain after completing an activity, especially one that is physically strenuous. Oftentimes, rest and hot/cold therapy helps reduce this pain within a day or two. However, if lingering pain seems to be constant, it may be time to speak to a physician about physical therapy. A medical study conducted between 1994 to 1997 over the effectiveness of physical therapy reported a more than 50% improvement in study participants following physical therapy (2). While physical therapy results vary from patient to patient, it can be determined that, overall, physical therapy is an effective treatment method for those with chronic, lingering pain.


  1. You Have a Strained Muscle

Sharp, sudden pain can be an indicator that a muscle strain has occurred. When a muscle strain occurs, physical therapy is often a recommended treatment method. According to the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, physical therapy for strained muscles is typically utilized as the pain and swelling subside (3). Speak with a physician to determine the severity of your muscle strain, and whether physical therapy may be able to help increase the muscle’s range of motion.


  1. You Have Recently Been Injured

Those who have recently suffered an injury may benefit from physical therapy as a treatment method. According to South University’s Physical Therapy Assisting program, physical therapy can help rebuild strength and movement following an injury (4). Treatment following an injury is crucial to avoid permanent damage and restore full mobility, so it is important to speak to a physician about the possibility of using physical therapy as a treatment method.


For many patients in Clear Lake, Texas, physical therapy can provide a variety of benefits. Houston Physicians’ Hospital offers physical therapy from industry leaders to provide patients with effective pain relief. Give us a call at (281) 557-5620 or visit us at https://www.houstonphysicianshospital.com/physical-therapy/.












  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1525861005006869
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dee_Hartmann/publication/285865657_The_perceived_effectiveness_of_physical_therapy_treatment_on_women_complaining_of_chronic_vulvar_pain_and_diagnosed_with_either_vulvar_vestibulitis_syndrome_or_dysesthetic_vulvodynia/links/585802c208ae64cb3d47d6b3/The-perceived-effectiveness-of-physical-therapy-treatment-on-women-complaining-of-chronic-vulvar-pain-and-diagnosed-with-either-vulvar-vestibulitis-syndrome-or-dysesthetic-vulvodynia.pdf
  3. https://journals.lww.com/jaaos/Citation/1999/07000/Muscle_Strain_Injury__Diagnosis_and_Treatment.6.aspx