an elderly man sitting on a black sofa waiting for a seizure

3 Critical Warning Signs of an Approaching Seizure

an elderly man sitting on a black sofa waiting for a seizure

According to research, roughly 10% of people will have a seizure at some point during their lifetime. As a sudden and uncontrolled change in the brain’s activity, a seizure triggers violent shaking, stiffness, twitching, and temporary loss of consciousness. If the patient fails to get diagnosed and treated on time, the symptoms may exacerbate and become progressively worse and longer in duration.

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A woman collapsing on a sofa from vertigo dizziness.

Who Can Benefit from Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)is a type of physical therapy that targets the inner ear and brain to restore balance and dizziness for people who need it. While most people may familiar with it, if you’re dealing with problems like vertigo, migraines that affect your balance, or anything similar, you should visit an otolaryngologist or (ENT) and ask them about VRT.

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