Sleeping can Affect Your Back – See How These Positions Help or Hinder Your Back

Sleep is essential to everyday life. It allows your body to function properly, repair itself, and gives your brain some much-needed rest once the day winds down. However, many people in Webster, Texas, wake up every day wondering why sleep isn’t helping their back pain. Did you know that your sleep position may be to blame for your morning back pain? According to the British Medical Journal, an important factor in back pain is ergonomic exposure, such as sleeping a certain way (1). At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we understand that it’s important to wake up and be able to get straight to your routine without pain, so we’ve listed the best and worst sleep positions for back pain:


Help: Sleep on Your Back with a Pillow Under your Knees

Sleeping on your back allows your weight to be evenly distributed. This weight is also being distributed along the widest part of your body, resulting in less strain on your back’s pressure points. Simply lay flat on your back and place a pillow under your knees. For extra support, place another small pillow under your lower back.


Hurt: Sleeping with a Rounded Back

Much like slouching, sleeping with a rounded back can actually increase back pain. This position prevents the spine from being in the natural upright position, which causes strain and leads to back pain. Try to ensure you are maintaining correct posture, even when you’re sleeping.


Help: Sleep on Your Side with a Pillow Between Your Knees

While simply sleeping on your side won’t necessarily reduce back pain, using the pillow between your knees will. This allows your spine to keep in alignment with your pelvis and hips, which reduces the stress on your back. Lay on your side, and place a comfortable pillow in between your knees. If you find that there is a gap in-between your waist and the mattress, you may want to add another small pillow in this space for increased support.


Hurt: Sleeping on Your Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach can increase pain in the neck and upper back. When you sleep on your stomach, you force your neck to remain in a rotated, tight position. This means that your neck is stationed in an unnatural position for an extended period of time, which can cause the dreaded “crick” in the neck and pain that can radiate to the upper back.


Help: Sleep on Your Back While Reclined

When reclined, an angle is created between your thighs and torso. In order to recline while enjoying the comforts of your bed, consider investing in an adjustable bed. This will allow you to recline to whatever angle you find the most comfortable.


Sleep should be relaxing and rejuvenating. However, when you sleep in certain positions, you may feel run-down as you wake up with back pain. These sleep positions can have you waking up in the morning feeling your best. For those whose spine pain interferes with their daily life, give Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at 832-340-2134. Our Webster, Texas, Spine Solutions Center can get you back to a pain-free life in no time.




The Best Way to Save Yourself From Back Pain This Holiday Season

The holidays are a wonderful time. Many people in the Houston, Texas, area are spending the season with family and friends at holiday gatherings and parties. However, with this season comes a multitude of unhealthy foods that can lead to weight gain which, according to the National Center of Biotechnology Information, (1) can worsen pain felt in the back. At Houston Physicians’ Hospital, we believe that no one should spend their holiday season suffering from spine pain due to weight gain, so we’ve listed some tips on how to avoid the holiday pounds and protect your spine this season.


  1. Snack Smarter

When choosing a snack this holiday season, it can be tempting to reach for cookies or other sweet holiday treats. These sweets are loaded with sugar which has been linked to a high body weight, according to Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2). Skip these foods this holiday season, and reach for some fruit or another healthier snack option.


  1. Reduce Your Stress

While the holidays are often filled with fun events, it can also be a stressful time. Between holiday shopping and making time in your day to do other holiday activities, you may find yourself feeling a bit more stressed than usual. According to the National Center of Biotechnology Information, stress stimulates the secretion of cortisol that is linked with weight gain (3). Keep yourself as stress-free as possible this holiday season to avoid weight gain that can cause back pain. Treat yourself to a massage or try engaging in a hobby that helps you reduce your stress level.


  1. Get Enough Sleep

When spending time with friends and family or attending Christmas parties, it can be easy to fall behind on your sleep schedule during the holidays. Avoid weight gain this holiday season by making sure to make sleep a priority. According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, studies have suggested that sleep deprivation may lead to weight gain (4).


  1. Eat Plenty of Protein

If you’re having friends or family over for a holiday dinner, make protein the main dish. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, protein promotes the feeling of being full (5), which can help prevent holiday over-eating. Serve turkey or chicken to provide a delicious meal that can help prevent weight gain and protect your back from pain.


The holiday season is a wonderful time filled with family, friends, and fun events. However, it can easily cause weight gain that can exacerbate back pain. Houston Physicians’ Hospital’s Spine Solutions Center can eliminate your pain and get you back to doing the things you love. Give us a call at 832-340-2134.

How to Avoid Back Injuries When Hanging Christmas Decorations

Christmas is here and many people in the Webster, Texas, area are getting ready to put up their Christmas lights. However, this can be a difficult task when you suffer from spine pain. Houston Physicians’ Hospital understands that you don’t want your spine pain to hold you back from your favorite holiday traditions, so we’ve listed some tips to protect your spine when putting up Christmas lights this season:


  1. Get Plenty of Rest

According to the Sleep Research Society (1), a lack of sleep is hypothesized to contribute to chronic pain. By getting plenty of sleep the night before you plan to hang your Christmas lights, you can ensure your body and spine are up to the task. This can help reduce pain on the spine when you’re reaching and climbing on ladders to hang your lights. In addition to getting plenty of sleep before hanging Christmas lights, you should also rest fully after hanging them to allow your spine to recuperate.



  1. Enlist Some Help

Enlist the help of family or friends when it comes time to hang Christmas lights. Not only can this make the task more exciting, it also allows the opportunity to take breaks when your spine pain is flaring up. When you are worried that a certain task may be too much for your back, ask for help. This can prevent any injuries to your spine and make hanging Christmas lights a bonding experience.


  1. Position Your Ladder Correctly

When using a ladder to hang your Christmas lights, make sure to position it properly. A ladder that is not angled correctly could lead to a fall that could injure your back and exacerbate your spine pain. According to the Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management Department at Stephen F. Austin State University (2), a ladder should be placed at a 75-degree angle against the side of your home to be used safely and avoid falls.



  1. Take Frequent Breaks

While you may feel as though you can’t wait to get your Christmas lights hung and ready to light up your house, it is important to take breaks. This allows the body to release stress and tension that may build while reaching, tugging, and pulling on various items. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (3) recommends taking frequent breaks from activity, such as hanging Christmas lights, if you suffer from pain, swelling, or stiffness in the joints. This is especially important when your spine pain symptoms are bothering you, as continuing your activity could lead to injury or further pain symptoms.



Hanging Christmas lights is a popular holiday tradition, but it is important to protect your spine from further pain. If your spine pain is keeping you from your favorite activities, Houston Physicians’ Hospital can help. Give us a call at (832) 340-2134.

Try These Yoga Poses to Help Your Joints

Houston Physicians’ Hospital understands that joint pain can be frustrating. From aching knees to a stiff back, joint pain can hinder movement and cause difficulty when performing everyday tasks. Those suffering from joint pain may find yoga to be a relaxing and helpful way to ease the pain. Here, we’ve listed some of the top yoga poses to reduce joint pain and help you get back to your daily life:


Sun Salutations

A particularly beneficial pose to do in the morning, sun salutations stretch the spine and can help wake up your muscles. To perform this move, stand with both of your feet touching as you bring your hands together, palms touching. Raise both arms upward as you exhale and slowly bend backward while stretching your arms above your head.


Cow Pose

While the name may sound funny, the cow pose is beneficial to reducing tension felt in the joints. The pose is simple to master. Get on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands directly under your shoulders and your fingers widely spread. The knees should be aligned right under your hips. Bring your chest forward and up as you allow your shoulder blades to press down toward your waist. Tip your pelvis up and back.


Bridge Pose

Bridges are particularly helpful in improving posture, which can reduce pain in the back and shoulders. Lie on the floor with your feet firmly planted and your knees facing towards the ceiling. As you exhale, push your feet and arms firmly into the floor. Raise your tailbone until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your knees directly over your heels during this move.


Crescent Lunge

The crescent lunge pose is a great pose for those suffering pain in the hip joints. Start by positioning yourself in a standard lunge position. Drop your right knee to the floor and lengthen your tailbone in the same direction as your right heel. Slide your right knee forward and breathe deeply as you lift and stretch your arms.


Child’s Pose

Those suffering from more severe joint pain may find this pose beneficial, as it provides a really gentle stretch. Begin this pose by dropping to your knees and spreading them wide enough for your big toes to touch.  Position your hips so that they are resting on top of your heels. Stretch your arms forward onto the ground.


Downward-Facing Dog

This popular position helps improve flexibility and reduce joint pain by stretching and lengthening the spine. To begin, position yourself on all fours with your knees directly below your hips. Place your hands just slightly in front of your shoulders.  Exhale as you push your knees away from the floor. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis and press it gently toward the upper part of your hips. Lift the sitting bones upward and draw the inner legs up into the groin area, away from your ankles.


Many people suffering from joint pain have turned to yoga to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and reduce the aching feeling in their joints. However, some cases require more care than yoga alone. If you are suffering from chronic joint pain, give Houston Physicians’ Hospital a call at (281) 557-5620.

Practice These 5 Healthy Tips and You’ll Thank Us Later

Some people dread the word “healthy.” Being healthy shouldn’t be a chore, but more of a lifestyle. A healthy life starts with small choices. From your diet to your sleep schedule, it’s easy to be healthy. You are not alone because we’re all human. Everyone has a rest day and there is nothing wrong with treating yourself occasionally. So, start practicing these five healthy tips and you’ll thank us later…

  1. Drink more water
  2. Eat less sugar
  3. Cook at home
  4. Get 30 minutes of exercise
  5. Remember to relax


Drink More Water

Probably one of the simplest things you can do to start being healthier is drink water. Water will always hydrate you. Especially if you are an athlete or live in a warmer area, you need plenty of water. Water saves our bodies from cramps and heat stroke while flushing out impurities. Even some fruits and vegetables count toward your water intake, like cucumber and watermelon. Drink more water to start living healthier.


Eat Less Sugar

Drinks like tea are hydrating as well, but when you add sugar they are not as beneficial. Artificial sugars have little nutritional value. Over time, consuming large amounts of sugar increases your blood pressure and chances of heart disease. If you have a sweet tooth, try replacing cookies and snack cakes with fruit. The natural sugar found in fruit is fine and remember, fruit is also hydrating.


Cook at Home

Living healthy is all about taking control of your diet, sleep, and physical activity. Start taking control of what you eat by cooking at home. When you go out to eat or pick up fast food, there is no telling what exactly goes into your meal. When you cook at home, you use your own ingredients and control the portions. You can also customize your homemade dish by adding your favorite spices or toppings. There are always trending recipes or cookbooks available online.


Get 30 Minutes of Exercise

Our bodies want to be active. So, we recommend getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. The great thing is that you can get those 30 minutes done by doing your favorite activities. In the summer, go swimming for 30 minutes or in the winter, try a yoga class. Do what makes you happy and healthy. Regular exercise is good for your mental health, heart and body weight. If you have time to exercise more than 30 minutes, that’s even better.


Remember to Relax

Emotional stress causes physical stress too. Certain conditions like chronic pain syndrome or fibromyalgia are onset by stress and anxiety. So, learn to relax. Exercise is an excellent way to relieve stress while staying healthy. If you feel like your stress may be getting worse, talk to your doctor. Your physician can help you relax while treating any physical pain you may have. Another part of being healthy is recognizing when you need help.


Ask for Help

There are endless resources for starting a healthy life. Houston Physicians’ Hospital is proud to serve Houston, Webster, Friendswood, Pasadena and the surrounding areas with healthy tips. We are one of the leading hospitals in Texas and the entire country for patient care and satisfaction. Contact HPH if you have questions about living healthier or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians.

4 Steps to Saving Your Body from Spine Pain and Similar Conditions

Our bodies are delicate and complex. In fact, the human body is made up of hundreds of bones and billions of nerves. Every system in our body has its own purpose and function. Your spine is one of the most important parts of the body though. The spinal cord makes up the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Since the spine is so valuable, there are several conditions and pains that result from your vertebrae. Pain may start because of tissues, nerves or bones in the spine. Our backbone is responsible for supporting the body in more ways than one so, always care for your spine with these 4 steps…

  1. Diagnose your spine pain
  2. Treat the spine then the symptoms
  3. Let your spine recover
  4. Prevent future spine pain



On your own, it’s difficult to diagnose a problem with the spine. The spine causes more types of pain than you think. Of course, back pain often relates to the spinal cord. However, neck, shoulder, hip and even foot pain can all start because of a problem with the spine. So, a diagnosis is your first step for reaching pain relief.

We recommend seeing a doctor that specializes in spine care. Physicians who treat spine pain include neurosurgeons, orthopedists, and pain specialists. If you visit your doctor because of a constant pain in the shoulder, do not be surprised if your diagnosis is a spine condition.



To fully heal from your diagnosis, follow your doctor’s instructions. Your physician will treat the condition itself so the symptoms eventually go away as you heal. Therefore, if you begin to self-diagnose, you’ll most likely start to ease your symptoms, not the spinal cord. Addressing your pain symptoms is only temporary pain relief. You need to treat the spine so you can fully heal and move to recovery.



Remember, the main goal of your treatment is to let the spine recover. You need time to heal, but if you get enough rest and follow your doctor’s orders, your body should fully recover. In addition to resting, you may also take medication and attend physical therapy sessions. Your treatment and recovery plan depends on your level of pain and the condition of your spine.



Once your spine heals and recovers from previous symptoms, it’s up to you to prevent further pain. If your spine treatment includes surgery, you may have certain limitations afterward. You may also be advised to limit activity that caused your initial spine problem. Work with your doctor so you know the best way to prevent future spine pain.

Houston Physicians’ Hospital offers a variety of hospital services in Webster, Texas. HPH has multiple physicians and departments that are dedicated to treating spine conditions. Our facility is even recognized by because of our spinal fusion surgery. Call Houston Physicians’ Hospital today and see what our hospital has to offer for spine disorders, back pain, and similar conditions.