Reconstructive surgery restores confidence.

What’s the Difference Between Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery?

When someone thinks of plastic surgery, they likely think of elective cosmetic surgery. That’s because plastic surgery in general has become one of the most popular medical procedures performed in the U.S. As new technologies and techniques are introduced, plastic surgery has been used to repair, rebuild, or improve areas that have been altered or damaged by injury, birth defects, disease, or aging.

Let’s take a closer look at the two types of plastic surgery.

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Hands working with a crochet hook

3 Conditions That May Require Hand Surgery

Most hand injuries and ailments can be treated through pain medication, physical therapy, or other nonsurgical strategies. However, sometimes the symptoms get so severe that they require surgery.

Hand surgery is used to treat ailments and medical conditions that affect the functioning and mobility of the hand, wrist, forearm, and shoulder. Your doctor may recommend hand surgery if your condition is severe or recurrent, or if other treatments have already been exhausted.

Here are a few conditions that may require hand surgery in order for you to find relief.

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Eating junk food can cause joint pain.

Joint Pain in Young Adults

When you think of joint pain, you don’t usually picture a young adult. For the most part, younger adults are more energetic, and musculoskeletal conditions of the joint such as arthritis aren’t commonly associated with them. However, today’s adults are less healthy than those of any previous generation, with an increasing prevalence of hypertension, heart disease, and other ailments caused by a bad diet and/or a sedentary lifestyle. With these poor health habits, joint pain is also on the rise for younger adults.

Arthritis is one of the most common joint ailments. It refers to a group of diseases that result in chronic joint pain and inflammation. Let’s take a look at how this condition impacts young adults.

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A woman showing fear of surgery.

Why Do People Fear Surgery?

If the thought of getting surgery scares you, you’re not alone. Surgical procedures can be intimidating—and it’s not unusual for a person to feel nervous or scared about getting one.

For some people, this fear is more severe. People who have surgical anxiety have a heightened fear of surgery and exhibit physical symptoms such as nausea, chest pain, or palpitations at the thought of surgery. They may also have panic attacks and may delay or avoid getting surgical treatment even if their medical condition worsens without surgery.

Let’s take a closer look at why you might feel afraid of surgeries.

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an old man with Parkinson’s disease

5 Stages of Parkinson’s Disease Family Members Should Be Aware Of

a person suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD)

While Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be physically debilitating, it can also take a toll on a person’s mental and emotional health and affect the people around them. As PD sufferers struggle to manage tremors, muscle rigidity, bradykinesia, posture and balance issues, speech problems, and a range of other symptoms, their psychological health can be affected.

As a family member or friend, you should provide ample support, reassurance, and encouragement. Start by understanding the different stages of PD so you can take the right measures accordingly.

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exercise to help hip pain

3 Minimally Invasive Alternatives to Hip Replacement Surgery

elderly couple walking to help exercise hips

Hip conditions are extremely common around the globe. While most people develop hip disorders as they age, some young adults also experience hip pain because of their lifestyle, genetics, and a range of other factors.

Between the ages of 30 and 50, the hip joints begin to experience moderate wear and tear. Beyond the age of 50, they continue to weaken and cause discomfort. If neglected, this discomfort can develop into chronic pain. Many people also notice a reduction in their range of motion and flexibility.

If you suffer from a hip condition that requires surgery, follow your doctor’s instructions and proceed with the operation. But get a second opinion, and if your condition hasn’t progressed as rapidly, you may consider minimally invasive alternatives to hip replacement surgery. Here are three of the most common options:

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