MILD & Vertiflex treatments as minimally invasive alternatives to treating LSS.
Complex SCS systems for multi-site pain for treating chronic pains without medication.
Pain Pump systems using safe, non-narcotic alternatives (Prialt). No one in south Houston knows how to use Prialt.
Biologic therapies for treating Spinal Disorders: including PrP/Amniotics; Donor tissue for Intra-discal treatments (ViaDisc); Partially or wholly covered by insurance.
Large Volume Radio-Frequency treatments (Coolief/Nimbus) for treating multiple-joint pains, including Spine, Shoulder, Knee & Hip
Peripheral Nerve Stimulators for treating chronic Shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee & ankle pains with minimally invasive, non-narcotic techniques.
Dr. Garcia is a co-founder of Space City Pain Specialists. His areas of interest include nerve stimulation implantation and management, pain pump implantation, spinal stenosis and management and regenerative medicine.