Finally, A Hospital That Is Helping Change the Way We See Chronic Knee Pain

Chronic knee pain is a common condition with painful symptoms. Your specific symptoms depend on your diagnosis and the condition itself. However, intense knee pain haunts hundreds of thousands of Americans every day. If you feel knee problems like burning, swelling, and numbness in your knees, you are not alone. The most important thing you can do for your knee problems is finding the right treatment. Instead of living with pain and letting your knees get worse over time, consider a chronic knee pain treatment that will improve your health. At last, there is a hospital that is changing the way we see chronic knee pain in Houston, Texas.


Chronic Knee Pain and Knee Replacement Surgery

If you live with knee problems for several years, it may be too late to reverse the damage to your knees. In some cases, rest allows the knees to recover on their own. Years of chronic knee pain often requires some form of knee surgery though. Visit an orthopedic specialist who can properly diagnose your type of knee pain and the condition affecting your knees. Your doctor will then recommend a treatment to reduce the pain, like knee replacement surgery. There is a total knee replacement and a partial knee replacement. Both are common procedures for treating knee pain symptoms.

If you choose a knee replacement surgery for your chronic knee pain, do your research. Knee replacement surgeries are an outpatient procedure so you will have a hospital stay and need rehabilitation afterward. Hospitals in Houston, Texas are all different and each hospital has its own specialty. For example, Houston Physicians’ Hospital specializes in orthopedics and sports medicine. HPH is in Southeast Houston, near Webster, Texas, and we use a comprehensive approach for our knee replacement patients.


Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Center of Excellence for Chronic Knee Pain

Houston Physicians’ Hospital uses the Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Center of Excellence for knee replacement physical therapy. Even though knee replacement surgery reduces chronic knee pain, patients need a safe place to recover. Our physical therapy team monitors patients as they regain strength and begin walking faster than the national average. Patients track their performance and develop new skills at the Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Center of Excellence of Houston Physicians’ Hospital. The Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Center of Excellence stands out among other physical therapy programs because HPH is changing the way we see chronic knee pain.

The Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Center of Excellence of Houston Physicians’ Hospital offers:

  • Surgery preparation
  • Private patient suites
  • Group activities and exercises
  • Physical therapy instructors and coaches
  • 93% patient satisfaction


With robotic surgery and an emphasis on physical therapy, chronic knee pain is no longer a daily struggle for Houstonians. There are treatment options available for knee arthritis, knee osteoporosis, knee injuries and other causes of chronic knee pain. Enjoy a healthy lifestyle full of activity after visiting Houston Physicians’ Hospital. We create an atmosphere for joint success. If you are living with chronic knee pain, call HPH and see if the Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Center of Excellence is right for you. We are accepting new patients and ready to treat any type of chronic knee pain. For more information about the Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Center of Excellence at Houston Physicians’ Hospital, call 281-557-4614.